

Gaelscoil Moshíológ Green-Schools Flag
Tá coiste Ghlas againn sa scoil le páistí ó Rang 1-R.6 chomh maith le tuistí. Bíonn siad ag obair go dian faoi stiúr Múinteoir Daithí & Múinteoir Áine. Bhain an scoil amach a céad Brat Ghlas sa bhliain 2016. Táimid faoi láthair ag obair i dtreo an dara Bhrat Ghlas.


Our school has an active Green-Schools committee made up of students from R.1-R.6 as well as parents. They work very hard under the guidance of Múinteoir Daithí & Múinteoir Áine. We were awarded our first Green Flag in 2016 and we are currently working towards our 2nd Green Flag.