Éide Scoile

School Uniform

School Uniform

Tá geansaí scoile ar fáil ó Funges i nGuaire. Is barr culaith reatha atá ann a bhfuil sciath na scoile air.

Tá rogha ann bun den chulaith reatha a chaitheamh nó bun dúghorm ar bhranda cineálach e.g. sciorta, pillrín, bríste gearr, bríste fada, luiteoga nó culaith reatha dúghorm a chaitheamh leis an ngeansaí scoile.

Bíonn airtex bán ar bhranda cineálach faoin ngeansaí scoile.


School jumper is available from Funges of Gorey. It is a light blue crested tracksuit top.

There is a choice to wear either the light blue track suit bottom that goes with the school jumper or a generic navy blue bottom e.g. skirt, pinafore, shorts, long trousers, leggings or tracksuit bottoms with the school jumper.

A generic white airtex is worn under the school jumper.