Seo an plean atá ag an scoil nuair a thaispeánann páiste/ ball foirne comharthaí de Covid_19 agus iad ar scoil. This is the school’s plan for when a child/staff member shows symptoms of Covid-19 while at school. PDF What to do in case of suspected case of COVID-19
Read MoreSeo an Measúnú Riosca atá déanta ag Gaelscoil Moshíológ re. athoscailt na scoile agus COVID-19. This is the Risk assessment carried out by Gaelscoil Moshíológ re. the re-opening of school and Covid-19. Risk-assessment-covid PDF G.Scoil
Read MoreEolas do dhaltaí scoile agus dá muintir faoi dhul ar ais ar scoil 1. Conas do pháiste a ullmhú chun dul ar ais ar scoil agus COVID-19 fós ann 2. Comhairle sláinte do thuismitheoirí 3. Eolas i do theanga féin 4. Ceisteanna coitianta Físeáin ar fáil anseo: …
Read MoreCovid-19 Eolas anseo ón HSE re. do phaiste má léiríonn siad na comharthaí a bhaineann le Covid-19. Information from the HSE re. if your child shows symptoms of Covid-19.
Read MoreCOVID-19 Seo Ráiteas Polasaí COVID na scoile:RÁITEAS POLASAÍ COVID PDF Our school’s COVID Policy Statement: COVID 19 POLCIY PDF
Read MoreMemo tábhachtach ó Phríomhoide Carol maidir le Athoscailt na scoile Important Memo from Principal regarding the re-opening of our school MEMO Tuistí Filleadh ar scoil
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